
De WikiRobotics
Revisión del 21:24 11 may 2013 de Hitec (Discusión | contribuciones) (Introduction)

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Raspberry PI


The scope of this page is to document the "MiniSkbot-PI" HowTo.

MiniSkybot-PI is the juntion of: - The simplest robot: Miniskybot - Raspberry-PI: cheapest Linux PC

The intend is to build a robot, very simple, but using the Raspeberry-PI as a main processor.

I will start writing here the steps i am following to do it. I have been so many years without building a robot, and now, i feel excited about it. During this years i have been following all Juan's publications, and i will take advantage of all of them: 3D printers, python, Skymega, ...

I am living in California now, that is one of the reasons i am writing this in english, another, is because i would like to present this in my son's class in the school. The knew about my background in robotics and they would like me to present something. They have a strong team in Lego Mindstorms


Skypic Planos
Esquemático, PCB y ficheros de fabricación
Sky293 Planos
Esquemático, PCB y ficheros de fabricación



Cc logo.png This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 Spain License.


  • 11/Mayo/2013: Creation of the page